Renee Lister

Ms. Renee' Lister, LPC, CART

Certified Anger Resolution Therapist
Licensed Professional Counselor

 I am a native of Dallas, Texas and graduate of South Oak Cliff High School. I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Masters Degree in Counseling from Dallas Baptist University. I worked as a paralegal in Dallas, Texas for 21 years before answering my calling to become a counselor.

 Eventually I decided that I was not utilizing all of the gifts that I was blessed with and went back to school. There, I earned my Master’s degree in Counseling. The majority of my internship was done at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship and Hickory Trails Hospital. The return to my church, in order to complete my practicum and internship, provided an opportunity to be a lay counselor. As a lay counselor, I provided counseling for all types of issues including career, depression, self-esteem, marital issues, pre-marital issues, blended family issues, abuse (physical, substance and mental) and relationship issues.

After gaining a license to practice Counseling in the State of Texas in 2006, I now practice in Duncanville, Texas. I currently offer counseling for the following:


Family issues

Anger Issues

Christian Counseling


Marital and Pre-marital

Children and Adolescent issues

Abuse (physical, substance and mental)

Work with clients with Medicaid, Foster Care and CPS issues

I am also available for speaking and teaching engagements upon request.

Currently seeing referrals from:

For an appointment:

Call: 214-417-8706 or text

Fax: 972-224-2429


Forms available on PDF format to print prior to appointment: